Singing Guide: Mimi Webb

Singing Guide: Mimi Webb

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Mimi Webb is a promising young artist from the UK, who gained recognition with her debut song "Before I Go". Mimi has a unique voice that captures the audience with its emotional depth and vulnerability. The following guide will help you learn to sing like Mimi Webb.

Vocal Range and Voice Type:

Mimi Webb has an alto voice. Her vocal range is approximately A3 - C5. To determine your vocal range and voice type, use the vocal range test at Singing Carrots.

Breathing and Support:

Breathing is the foundation of singing, and proper breath support is essential for achieving a strong sound. Check out these articles on breathing basics and breath support for practical advice. One exercise you can do to develop breath support is the Farinelli Breathing exercise.

Vocal Registers:

Mimi Webb's unique vocal technique is characterized by her use of the mixed voice register. Check out these educational videos on mixed voice and voice registers to learn more.

Song Interpretation:

Mimi Webb's songs are all about conveying emotion and storytelling. To learn how to interpret songs effectively, read this article on how to learn a song effectively. Mimi Webb's songs are great examples of emotional performances - check out her hit single "Before I Go" for inspiration.


Performing is all about connecting with the audience and conveying emotions effectively. Check out these articles on tips for performing on stage and how to overcome stage fright to help you develop your performance skills.

Additional Resources:

By following these tips and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, you'll be on your way to singing like Mimi Webb in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.